a metal detecting plug hole replaced after being dug up.
loot detective logo. A treasure hunter with their back facing the viewer. The hunter faces a ghost town while holding a metal detector.

At Loot Detective, we want to help you dig the perfect plug hole while metal detecting. It’s important to protect the environment, keeping detecting spots accessible, and reducing the risk of injury to others, especially in public areas. Here are some simple, concise metal detecting tips and tricks.


How to Dig a Metal Detecting Plug Hole

Once we’ve located a signal, it’s important to dig properly to avoid damaging the grass and leaving a mess. Here’s how we do it:

What is the Easiest Way to Dig a Hole and Avoid Killing the Grass?

  1. Begin the Cut: We use a trowel or shovel to cut a circular plug around the target. You can leave one side attached to act as a hinge, keeping the grass roots intact. This does help the grass recover better.
  2. Flip the Plug: Gently flip the plug next to the hole. You can also place a towel on the opposite side for additional dirt. This will keep’s the area clean and makes it simple to replace the dirt.

Finding our Metal Detecting Target in the Plug or Hole

after digging a plug hole for metal detecting, the plug hole has been flipped to one side with excess dirt on an adjacent towel
A cut plug on the left and a towel with excess dirt on the right.
  1. Scan the Plug and Hole: After cutting the plug, we use our metal detector or pinpointer to scan both the plug and the hole. This helps us determine if the target is in the plug or deeper in the hole.
  2. Extract the Target: If the target is in the plug, you can sweep it with your pinpointer or cut the plug in half and scan each half separately. If it’s deeper, continue digging, placing additional dirt on our towel.

Tips for Success

  • Use a Towel: While optional, a towel to hold dirt can keep public areas looking nice, making it easier for future detectorists to maintain permission.
  • Replace the Plug: After retrieving the target, return any loose soil to the hole. Place the plug back and press it down firmly to help the grass roots reestablish.
  • Good Habits: Keep the area tidy and leave no trace. Always use a towel and replace the plug carefully. Respect private property and get permission before detecting.

Closing Remarks

By following these metal detecting tips and tricks, we can dig proper plug holes, keeping the environment intact and our metal detecting spots accessible.